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Our next course or workshop could change your life

Our next course or workshop could change your life

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Why learn NLP?

The first question to ask yourself is ‘have you achieved everything in your life that you want to achieve?’ If the answer is yes, then nice job. If the answer is no, then read on!

What you achieve in your life is dependent on how you think. You are where you are in your life now as a product of thousands of decisions you have made in your past. Some of them have been good, and some, perhaps, not so good.

Decision making

When you decide something your decision is totally influenced by how you think. In other words, your decision is affected by your beliefs, your values, your memories and your emotions – and this is where things can go wrong.

Let’s take a scenario.

A teacher makes a throwaway comment and tells you that you will never achieve anything. You take that on board. You then apply for a few jobs when you leave school, a little half-heartedly (because of the unconscious memory of what the teacher said) and you don’t get any of the jobs. 

NLP for decision making. Insights NLP in Bali, Indonesia
limiting beliefs

You quickly give up trying because the teacher has been proved right and now you absolutely believe what she said. You stop applying for jobs because you have now morphed that original belief into “I’m not good enough” and that starts to run across your life. 

Perhaps you meet someone really nice but remind yourself that you’re not good enough, so the relationship doesn’t go anywhere.

Essentially the teacher’s original throwaway comment has been cast in stone in your belief system and everything in your life will be affected by your belief. 

The thing is, beliefs are not true. The problem is that you ‘act’ as if they are true and consequently they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Hang on a moment! If they are not true then surely we could change them! Yes, you can and you will need to work at the unconscious level to affect those changes. You cannot just wake up in the morning and consciously decide to change a belief and it happens. You need tools! That’s where NLP comes in.

Find out more

If you’d like more information about our courses and how we can help you maximise your potential then drop us an email by filling in the contact box. 

We love NLP and wish to share our passion.

We hope to hear from you soon. 

    Where NLP comes in

    NLP process for success

     NLP can provide you with tools and processes to understand how the mind works and to change anything that is unwanted in the system. You do not have to be super clever to do this, you just need an open mind.

     To get back to the example above, if that person used NLP to change that specific belief of “I’m not good enough” then the other belief of “I will never achieve anything” will also disappear. If that belief is then replaced, using some processes within NLP to “I am totally good enough and can achieve anything” then the client is cooking!

    The result would be that they would apply for all sorts of ‘better’ jobs and because of that belief, they would have the confidence to get them. They would also have the confidence to ask that special person out because they would believe that they are totally good enough for them.

    The bottom line is that things would change in that person’s life. They are still the same person, but they now think differently.

    Find out more

    If you’d like more information about our courses and how we can help you maximise your potential then drop us an email by filling in the contact box. 

    We love NLP and wish to share our passion.

    We hope to hear from you soon. 

      Maybe you have wondered about one of the following questions?

      • Do you ever wonder why you cannot communicate with some people, no matter how hard you try?
      • Curious as to why some people get on with some people but others do not?
      • Have you ever struggled with communicating your ideas to an unhearing person?
      • Can you imagine or picture what it would be like for them to truly harmonize with your message so that they can really grasp the context?
      • Have you ever delivered a presentation that falls flat on its face and wondered why?


      • Have you ever considered why some people are excellent at certain things and others are not?
      • Do you have any beliefs about yourself that limit your potential?
      • Ever wondered why some people achieve their goals, and others don’t?
      • Do you have anything in your life that could be changed for the better with a different way of thinking?
      • Are you stuck in a rut and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get out?
      • Do you know exactly where your life is going and are you happy with the direction?

      Perhaps the clue as to why learn NLP lies above!

      Over the past 40 years, the study of what is now known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has revealed how the mind works, how people communicate with themselves (very important) and others and how they represent external and internal events to themselves.

      With this knowledge we can now understand the way people think and, in so doing, we are able to learn new and exciting ways to communicate our ideas not only effectively but in a manner in which people are many times more likely to take fully on board.

      NLP tools for success

      That is perhaps one of the answers to your question of “why learn NLP”!

      We can also use NLP  to change the way we think to dispel any thought processes that are not useful and to focus clearly on what we want. This is done by working at the unconscious level of the individual with some processes that allows the individual to change their way of thinking.

      We already use elements of NLP within our day to day life but do so in an unstructured way thus negating its powerful potential. NLP essentially is how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes.

      Why learn NLP? Whilst you may be able to exist without it, the question is, can you excel? …..Can you….?

      Learn more about the application of NLP to specific areas of life.

      NLP in personal development / NLP and therapy  / NLP and coaching / NLP in business / NLP and education / NLP and sport


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