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Our next course or workshop could change your life

Our next course or workshop could change your life

NLP in therapy

With the tools of NLP we can make real and lasting therapeutic change with our clients as well as applying the techniques to help ourselves.

NLP can be used to address a wide variety of issues both mental, physical and emotional.

Listed below are just a few areas of life that can be worked with and improved.

“If it can be held in the mind it can be changed in the mind”

This includes emotional and physical issues, pain, memories of difficult or traumatic experiences and many other things.

using nlp for positive change

Create confidence

Would you like to be more confident in a specific area of you life, or just feel more confident in general?

Public speaking

Often listed as the number one issue people have. With NLP it becomes easy to overcome those performance nerves by uing specific tools to help you gain the confidence you need to speak effectively in public.


We all have an automatic response to certain threatening stimuli in our environments, a natural and protective response which is hard wired in for our benefit.

Occasionally, however, the way we respond can become out of scale to the stimulus supplied and this is when we can begin to learn how to develop unhelpful phobic reactions. The great news is that because we can learn these inappropriate reactions we can also use similar mechanisms to learn new, and more appropriate responses. Essentially we can un-learn our phobias.


In a similar way to how we can work with phobias we can also address anxiety as well. Anxiety can be specific, about a particular thing, or be more generalised. Using hypnotherapy relaxation techniques along with NLP interventions has been proven to be an extremely effective way of managing and dealing with anxiety states.

Stress Management

We live in busy times, often leading extremely busy lives. It can sometimes feel that we’re getting a little overwhelmed by the pace of things around us, which can manifest as stress. Hypnotherapy can offer an island of calm in the storm, allowing for a profound sense of relaxation both within a session, and lasting long after as well. There are simple yet extremely useful tools which I can teach you which will help to bring about a sense of peace and tranquillity to your life. NLP can offer strategies to deal with specific situations or triggers which can cause an inappropriate stressful state.

Habit control

Weight control and quitting smoking are both areas ideally suited to be addressed using the tools supplied by NLP

Removing blocks

Do you have any behaviours or habits which you feel are blocking you? With a little time it is possible to quickly understand the mechanisms at work in your life and tailor your responses in such a way that the block can quickly and effectively be removed or made redundant. What can be learn can be un-learnt!

As well as addressing these issues in a therapy context once the techniques have been learnt they can also be used directly on yourself as well. We cover all of the skills mentioned here on our NLP Practitioner course.

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- Many thanks from Chris and the Insights NLP team.

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