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How to feel good all day with this simple NLP insight.

So – what’s the secret about how to feel good all day?

With this simple to-do list can you quickly learn how to feel good all day long.

Doesn’t it feel great when you accomplish a task, it’s so satisfying to get things done.


Why is it sometimes though that we just can’t seem to finish things off? Sometimes it’s our inspiration to get up and going and keep on at it that just falls short and never quite kicks in.



How to inspire yourself to feel good all day.


If you want to really make progress with that nagging to-do list then the best place to start is with how you’re feeling, a real infusion of positive feelings is going to set you up just right. Feeling good is going to keep you feeling inspired all day and your productivity will really start increasing.

We know this from the workplace as well, In the Harvard Business review Rob Markey wrote…

“It’s one more sign of the growing recognition that happy, engaged employees are more productive and generate better outcomes for their companies.”



Here’s the thing:


It’s not enough to wait for positive feelings about your accomplishments to show up on their own.

When you’re getting your daily to-do list ready, take a lesson from NLP and program them in!

The tips below will give you the perfect formula for success,

Remember the old phrase “To fail to plan it to plan to fail”?

It’s all in the setup….



Five Steps to Feel Good All Day Long


So – what’s the secret about how to feel good all day?

Have a look at the following five steps to set yourself up for success. As with everything in life, it may take a couple of goes to get the process working the way you’d like it, but once you have things then become much more automatic and less systematic. Don’t just take my word for it, give them a go….


1. What positive feelings do you want to feel during your day?

Be deliberate and intentional. Think of feelings you want to feel as you accomplish each task during the day and write them down.

Complete the sentence- “I want to feel _____________ today.”

Here are some examples:

  • Proud of yourself
  • Responsible
  • Relieved
  • Excited
  • At Peace
  • Self-Assured
  • Grounded
  • Balanced
  • Joyful
  • Inspired
  • Worthy
  • Calm
  • Love

2. Take each task on your to-do list and attach a specific feeling from your list

Go through and identify specifically how you will feel when you’ve completed each task.

So for example:

Take out the rubbish: I will feel responsible
Complete the proposal for (so-and-so): I will feel excited
Finish doing my taxes: I will feel relieved
Take some exercise: I will feel proud of myself

Setting yourself up in this way and attaching a specific positive feeling the items on your to-do list programs your mind and body to actually feel those feeling at the appropriate time.

This is a huge step toward living a conscious and intentional life.


2. Dip your toe in the water.

The imagination is a powerful tool.

Imagine the completed task and getting a sense of the positive feeling in your body. Why not have a quick go now…..?

How about this, imagine finishing a task that you’ve attached to a feeling of peace. Do you feel the slight sense of peace in your body? If you do you know you’re doing it thoroughly.

When you imagine something well, your body responds. For example when you’re getting ready to order at a restaurant, your mind goes through a similar process. You’re imagining the foods you’d like, and your body responds to the thought of that food. You may even salivate.

Imagining your task being completed and prime your emotional pump. Feel that slight hit on the positive emotion that is sure to come. Your level of motivation will increase just through this simple visualisation.


4. Pat yourself on the back.

Take a moment when the task is done. There’s no need to be overly self-indulgent but you do deserve to feel good.

If you’ve set your to-do list up right, you’ll feel positive. Take a few moments to acknowledge and enjoy the feeling before moving on to the next task.


5. Let it all snowball.

By following this easy formula, you will arrive at genuinely positive feelings and start to really experience how to feel good all day.

Let it work, let the effects snowball. Before you know it the process will fade into the background and you’ll just wake up in the morning with positive expectations of getting stuff done and feeling good throughout the day.

When you anticipate what you have to do, you’ll see the positive feeling potential. You can then work from positive feeling to positive feeling all day long.

Would you like to know more?

Our blog page has many more articles for you to read.

Alternatively, head over to our NLP glossary where you can find a list of NLP terms with lots of links to articles.

If you'd like to find out more about our courses where you can learn more head over to our courses page

Thanks for reading!


ABNLP Trainer
Founder: Insights NLP
Phone +62 (0) 812 3895 2053




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