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NLP and hypnosis offer simple but effective tools for profound positive change. We hope you find our articles enjoyable and informative and welcome any comments or feedback.
Overcoming obstacles to success
Overcome the Two Primary Obstacles in Life with the Following Formula There are two kinds of obstacles that prevent success. 1. External obstacles that can stand in the way of success. 2. Internal obstacles that can sabotage success.In this short post, I'll go through...
NLP Anchoring:
NLP anchoring is such a simple and useful tool. Basic anchoring is associating an emotional feeling (or state) with a physical sensation. Basic NLP anchoring is done by pairing physical touch with a feeling or behaviour you want to have at your disposal. Your life has...
Building Rapport
What is rapport? Rapport is that feeling you get when you feel at ease with someone. You feel they are listening, the communication is flowing both ways and you’re ‘in-tune’ with what is going on when talking to them. Why is rapport useful? Who wouldn’t want to...
NLP Perceptual Positions – Change your Perspective
There are many times during daily life that it is useful to be able to see things from a different perspective. Understanding things from a different viewpoint and finding commonality leads to greater understanding and to easier resolution with things, to better...
How to See the True Nature of Things
How to see the true nature of things Have you ever caught up with an old friend and gone over old memories? You know “You remember that time when….” type of a thing. You’re reminiscing and enjoying the memories and they say something like “oh yeah, and you remember...
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