15 fun little psychological tricks.
- Friend-pleasing tip:
Whenever a friend tries to tell or show you something that you already know, it’s best to let them. It makes them feel good to show you something and for you to enjoy it. Sometimes if you say, ‘Oh, I already saw that, it’ll upset them a little bit.
- The physical contact agreement trick:
Did you know that physical contact makes you more likely to say yes to a request?
- Obtaining an item:
While talking to someone, ask through hand gestures for something the person is holding. You’ll probably get it.
- Calming
If someone has a panic attack, start breathing really regularly and loudly. Even if it’s really obvious, the person that is panicking probably won’t notice. But they will start breathing in tempo with you. It’s something nurses do with ER patients when they can’t get themselves together.
This crosses over into rapport.
- Make someone’s day
When you see someone you know, smile a little wider when you see them. It can brighten people’s day a little and make them feel like someone else is happy they’re around. It’s infectious, watch them smile back
- Whispers:
If you whisper to someone, they’ll whisper back, even if there’s no reason to keep your voice down.
- This popularity trick:
When a group of people laugh, they tend to look at the person they like the most.
- Participation.
Getting people to contribute to an idea will make them be more likely to accept it. It doesn’t take that much involvement in the creative process to get people to take possession of a proposed plan.
- Giving compliments
Don’t be afraid to tell someone how nice they look or that they’re doing a good job, even if it doesn’t seem like it at the moment, it will make them feel a bit better and they will appreciate it.
- The nervous / excited swap.
Nervousness and excitement have the same body reaction, so if you’re nervous for a speech for example, instead let yourself know you’re excited. You’ll give better speeches, too.
You can read more about this in our anchoring article.
- This feeling-better tip:
The three minute rule: if it takes less than three minutes, do it and you will feel better. For example: making your bed, doing the dishes, etc. It makes you feel the tiniest bit better when you accomplish something small.
- The ‘ear worm’
Try whistling a tune softly. People will pick up on it and you’ll notice people humming or whistling the tune themselves.
- The ‘people-catching’ trick:
If you think someone is watching you, fake a yawn. Then watch them.
Another example of rapport in action, this time an example of leading.
- This choice-giving hack:
Always give a person two choices. Give the non-preferred option first, including its negative effects. Pause. Then give the preferred option, shining light on its better effects.
This is a part of the agreement frame
- Finally, this agreement hack:
Ask for something that seems small, but is related to what you really want. Then, once they’ve agreed to the small thing, just work up with slightly larger requests until you’ve achieved the desired outcome.
This is a part of the agreement frame strategy you can employ when selling your ideas to people.
I hope you have fun with these!
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